Category: Health & Education
Hidden Histories of Presidential Medical Dramas
Araweelo News Network By. Alex Dalenberg, Pocket Collections There has been nothing in American history quite like the President of the United States being infected with a potentially deadly virus amid a global pandemic less than a month before
Dumarku Xilliga Da’ada ay ku dhalmo daayaan mala kordhin karaa?
Araweelo News Network Daraasad Rajo u muujisay Haweenka Warbixin cusub oo ay qayb ka yihiin Dagan Wells, oo ah Barre Jaamacaddood oo ka tirsan kulliyadda arrimaha taranka ee jaamacadda Oxford ee Britan iyo xeel-dheerayaal kale oo ku takhasusay arrimaha dhalmada
Mosquito-borne virus suspected in Michigan: health officials
Araweelo News Network Just when you thought mosquitos couldn’t be more of a nuisance. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services announced Tuesday that an adult man had likely contracted a rare and potentially deadly mosquito-borne virus. Officials said
Somaliland Frankincense Why It’s Called The ‘King Of Oils’
Araweelo News Network By Emily Laurence The best way to know if frankincense oil is beneficial for you is simply to try it. And if the woodsy scent isn’t for you, rest assured that there are plenty of other essential
Sent Home to Die
by Annie Waldman and Joshua Kaplan ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as they’re published. Sarah Johnson spent her entire life taking care of people —
Vitamin D Determines Severity in COVID-19
Researchers from Trinity College Dublin are calling on the government in Ireland to change recommendations for vitamin D supplements. Ireland, Dublin (ANN)-A new publication from Dr. Eamon Laird and Professor Rose Anne Kenny, School of Medicine, and the Irish Longitudinal
Embryologists: A Muslim woman is the cleanest woman on earth.
London(ANN)-A woman who is divorced by her husband has to wait (at least) 3 monthly periods and a woman whose husband died has to wait (at least) 4 months and 10 days before they can marry again. If she turns
Fadeexaddo Kasoo Baxay Dawooyin Horre U Fashilmay Oo Maraykanka Loo Isticmaalay Coronavirus Iyo Dooddaha Ka Taagan
“Dwaddu waxay ku fashilantay dhowr tijaabo-nololeed oo dhab ah – oo aan ahayn oo keliya ka hor-tagga Jooniska, laakiin …” Warbixin: By. Carraale M Jaamac Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist Washington(ANN)-Saynisyahanada Maraykanka, khuburada Caafimaadka iyo Dhakhaatiirta ayaa isku khilaafsan
#Coronavirus: Doodaha Murugsan Ee Maraykanka, Sababaha Ay Nafteedta U Haligtay Dhakhtarad Safka Hore Kaga Jirtay Dagaalka COVID-19
Kooxda Qarsoon Ee Sheedda Ka Hagaya Faafitaanka Coronavirus Warbixin: By. Carraale M Jaamac Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist New York(ANN)-Dhakhtar sare oo ka tirsan qolka xaaladdaha deg-degga ah ee cusbitaalka Manhattan oo daweeyey bukaanno badan oo cudurka Coronavirus ah
Doctors Tell Me I Have COVID. Why Won’t the Tests?
Araweelo News Network By. Julia Ioffe, GQ She’s been sick for over a month with what doctors long-ago diagnosed as COVID. So why has Julia Ioffe repeatedly tested negative—and what does her search for answers tell us about the faith