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Category: Eritrea

Total 137 Posts

Somaliland: Qoraalka Rasmiga Ah Ee Khudbadda Dastuuriga Ah Ee Madaxweyne Biixi 2024

#Araweelo_News_Nerwork.   Hargeysa(ANN)-Madaxweynaha jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa khudbad sannadeediisa maanta ka jeediyay fadhi ay mudanayaasha labada golle ee Somaliland  kaga hadlay mustaqbalka hoggaaminta tallada dalka iyo Xisbi ahaan waxyaabaha ay qabteen labadii xukuumadood ee ugu danbeeyay. Madaxweyne Biixi,

Berbera and Djibouti are strategic ports for a long , But this competition has an impact on the economy and Business relations of the country. The World Bank’s latest report

Berbera Port in Somaliland has emerged as a force to be reckoned with, securing an impressive fourth position in the World Bank’s Container Port Performance Index 2023.The World Bank’s latest report Berbera and Djibouti have long been strategic ports in

Somalia: Giant step for with UN Security Council seat

  #Araweelo_News_Network.   New York (ANN)- Somalia has won a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council – hailed as a significant step for the war-torn nation. It will be the first time the country, which descended into civil

Washington: USS Eisenhower Damage After Houthi Strike?

Do Photos Show USS Eisenhower Damage After Houthi Strike? #Araweelo_News_Network. Washington( ANN)-The American media spoke about the news that caught the attention of the international media as well as the social media that show the pictures of the damage caused

Ethiopia Energy Supply and Neighboring Countries

The common implementation strategy and action plan that will support accelerate Ethiopia’s energy transition #Araweelo_News_Nerwork. Addis Ababa (ANN)-The Ethiopian government has said that it has accelerated the delivery of energy to its neighboring countries, receiving financial support from countries such

The Challenges of the Somali Government Facing the Sovereignty of Somaliland

How the Somaliland Is Committed To Defeat The Somali Conspiracy? #Araweelo_News_Nerwork. Challenges: The Somali government is faced with references to plans to undermine the sovereignty of Somaliland.   While the FSG’s planned stages of interference are designed to destabilise Somaliland,

The Ethiopia-Somaliland Agreement

  #Araweelo_News_Nerwork. The Ethiopia-Somaliland Agreement Mr.Faysal Roble, a Somali-American citizen, has been using social media platforms to disseminate support for Al-Shabaab, a militant Islamic terrorist group operating primarily in Somalia. His controversial statements include calls to deploy 10,000 Al- Shabaab

Ethiopia; Dhibaatooyinka Dhaqaale Ee Soo Waajahay Iyo Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Oo Sharaxday

Akhri 1min #Araweelo_News_Network. ADDIS ABABA (ANN)– Xukuumadda Dalka Ethiopia ee uu Hoggaamiyo Ra”iisal Wasaare Abiy Ahmed, ayaa ka walaacsan dhaqaale xumo soo waajahday oo sii siyaaday, taas oo saamayn ku yeelatay addeegyada aasaasiga ah iyo qorshayaasha xukuumadda. Wasiirka Maaliyadda Ethiopia

Xuutiyiinta Oo Soo Riday Diyaarad  Maraykanku Leeyahay Iyo Weerarada Baddaha Ee U Gudbay Mediterranean-ka

  #Araweelo_News_Network Akhri 2min Sana”a (ANN)–Xuutiyiinta dalka Yemen ayaa sheegay in ay soo rideen diyaarad kale oo nooceedu yahay MQ-9, taas oo uu leeyahay Mareykanku, Isla markaana ka mid nooca ugu caarisan Drones -ka Maraykanka. Diyaaradda ayaa ah nooca aan

Dahabshiil Group: Mr. Abdirashid Duale, met with a delegation of Dutch Diplomats

  #Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeisa (ANN)-The general manager of Dahabshiil Group Mr. Abdirashid Mohamed Duale held a worthwhile meeting with a delegation of Dutch diplomats. The meeting focused on the role that Somali businessmen take in development projects. They pondered on similar