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Category: Eritrea

Total 138 Posts

Ethiopia; In-depth: Underlying proliferation of armed conflicts and worsening security crisis

#Araweelo_News_Network. Ethiopia’s security crisis requires a comprehensive approach to addressing historical grievances, marginalization, and power distribution as conflicts stem from political, economic, and social grievances among various groups.” Ethiopian Experts state Analysis  Ploiticals   Writen By Abdi Biyenssa @ABiyenssa  

Djibouti: IGAD met with the leader of SSC Khatumo and discusses with Somaliland prisoners

   #Araweelo News Network:     Djibouti (ANN)- The leader of Las Anod administration of SSC, Khatumo Abduqadir Firdhiye, who is visiting Djibouti, after receiving an invitation from the President of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh. met the leaders of IGAD.

“Australia should recognise Somaliland” The strategist Policy Institute for Australia

  “Recognising Somaliland would be in Australia’s interest”Australia Strategic Plocy Institute ISPI   #Araweelo_News_Network: Australia should recognise Somaliland, a territory that is claimed by Somalia but has asserted its independence since 1991. No country recognises Somaliland as independent, but if

Ethiopia: General Sare Oo Ku Biiray Jabhada Fano

    #Araweelo_News_Network:   Addis Ababa(ANN) – Taliyihii hore ee ciidamada gaarka ah ee Axmaarada, General Tefera Mamo, ayaa ku biiray jabhada Amxaarada ee Fano, kadib uu kasoo laabtay gurigiisa oo ku yaala Addis Ababa Axadii. Warbaahinta Ethiopia ee yaalaa

Ankara mediating Somalia-Ethiopia talks on port deal

 Somaliland a spokesperson, said “was not involved in the talks”   #Araweelo_News_Network   Ankara (ANN)-Turkey has begun mediating talks between Somalia and Ethiopia over a port deal Addis Ababa signed with the breakaway region of Somaliland earlier this year, according

US: Recognizing Somaliland would be a simple acknowledgement of the truth that the territory is an independent state

Recognizing Somaliland would let the U.S. build a partnership with the ter- ritory that would give Washington a hedge against further deterioration of its position in Djibouti. #Araweelo_News_Network. De Facto Independence. Somaliland charted a different course. Follow-ing a conference of

Somalia Qorshaha Gollaha Ammaanka Ee Qamada Midoobay Iyo Arrimaha Ku Gedaaman

Maxaa Laga Filayaa Warbixinta Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Ee Qarsoon James Swan Kulanka Gollaha Amaanka? New York (ANN]- Gollaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa kulan loo balamay ka yeelanaya maalinta Isniinta 24 Jun 2024. xaaladda Soomaaliya Shirka ayaa ka dhacaya xarinta Qaramada

Fosiya Haji Aden’s Withdrawal from AU Chair Commission Candidacy

Fosiya Haji Aden’s Withdrawal from AU Chair Commission Candidacy #Araweelo_News_Network. Fosiya Haji Aden’s recent withdrawal from her candidacy for the Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission has highlighted intricate political dynamics involving Somalia, Djibouti, and Somaliland. Background and Recent

Ethiopia claims to have 21.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserve

#Araweelo_News_Network. Canada, Toronto (ANN)– This Week, Ethiopia claims to have discovered 21.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserves in the Ogaden region in the south eastern part of the country. The Ethiopian Herald, a state-owned media outlet, on Saturday

Somaliland: A Beacon of Hope for African Self-Determination and Democracy

  #Araweelo_News_Network.   Somaliland’s commitment to democratic principles is evident in its track record of holding free and fair elections, a rarity in a region often plagued by political turmoil. Its electoral process has been hailed as a beacon of