Category: Eritrea
#U.S. Government #Collaborates with #Ethiopian Defense Forces for #Groundbreaking De-mining Initiative
#Araweelo_News_Network: Addis Ababa, 16 January(ANN) — Landmines, unexploded artillery shells, and other types of remnants of war litter former battlefields throughout Ethiopia, resulting in accidental civilian deaths and hindering farmers from returning to their fields. These explosive remnants of
Dalalka Masar Iyo Shiinaha Oo Ka Digay Xaalladda Badda Cas Iyo Duqaymaha US Iyo Britain Innay Dab Ku Qabtaan Batroolka Gobolka
#Araweelo_News_Network. Qaahira(ANN) – Dalalka Masar iyo Shiinaha ayaa si wadajir ah uga digay khatarta ka dhalan karta haddii Maraykanka iyo Britain sii wadaan weerarrada duqaymaha ee Xuutiyiinta dalka Yemen, waxayna xuseen innay si dhow ula socdaan isbedelada ka socda Badda
Dunnida Oo Ka Digtay Weerarrada Maraykanka Iyo UK ee Yemen Iyo Cadhada Ka Dhalatay
Gollaha Amaanka, Sacuudiga, Turkiga, Iran Ruushka iyo Dalal Kale Oo Ka Digay Duullaanka Maraykanka Iyo Britain ee Yemen Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist. #Araweelo_News_Network. #Yemen , Sana’a (ANN)- Maraykanka iyo Ingiriiska ayaa
#Somaliland Ethiopia: Heshiiska Indhaha Caalamka Kusoo Jeediyay Gobolka Iyo Xasaasiyadda Ka Dhalatay
#Araweelo_News_Network. Hargyesa(ANN)-Heshiiska Xukuumadda Somaliland la gadhay dalka Ethiopia ee la xidhiidha Dekedda taariikhiga ah ee Saylac iyo Saldhiga Millateri oo Badda Cas dhanka cidhifka galbeed ee xeebta Somaliland, isla markaana dhanka Koonfureed ka kulaalalay marinka muhiimka ah ee Babel mendab,
The government of Somaliland has spoken strongly about the action taken by the federal government of Somalia SSC.
#Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeisa (ANN)-The government of Somaliland has spoken strongly about the action taken by the federal government of Somalia SSC. A press release issued by the Government of Somaliland was titled as follows: “The Government of the Republic of Somaliland
Ethiopia: Damaca Badda Cas, Dareenka Cadhada Ah Ee Eritrea Iyo Xiisadda Gobolka
#Araweelo_News_Network. Ethiopia: Damaca Badda Cas, Dareenka Cadhada Ah Ee Eritrea Iyo Xiisadda Gobolka Asmara (ANN)-Xiisadda sii kordhaysa ee Badda Cas iyo damaca Ethiopia oo shaki geliyay dalalka gobolka, kaddib markii Ra’iisal wasaaraha Ethiopia, Abiy Axmed Baarlamaanka ka jeediyay
What is the presence of Al-Shabaab in Eastern Sanaag?
By Arraale Mohamoud Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist based in Somaliland Yube- Eastern Sanaag(ANN)-In recent days, a group of al-Shabaab fighters reportedly entered the eastern part of the Sanag Mountains in the Golis Mountains north of the Yube