Category: Eritrea
#Somaliland Government has warned that it is not acceptable to employ foreigners in all positions that can be held by citizens
Somaliland Government Advises International Organizations to Fully Comply with NGO Act #Araweelo_News_Network. Sinaliland, Hargeisa (ANN)- The Somaliland Government has warned that it is not acceptable to employ foreigners in all positions that can be held by citizensThe Somaliland Government
Turkey to provide maritime security support to Somalia -official
#Araweelo News Network ANKARA, (ANN) – Turkey will provide maritime security support to Somalia to help the African country defend its territorial waters, an official from the Turkish defence ministry said on Thursday. Turkey and Somalia signed a defence and
Somalia announces deal with Turkey to deter Ethiopia’s access to sea
#Araweelo_News_Network. Mogadishu, Somalia (ANN) — Somalia announced on Wednesday a defense deal with Turkey that includes support for the Horn of Africa nation’s sea assets and appears aimed at deterring Ethiopia’s efforts to secure access to the sea by
The speech Dr. Essa Kayd Mohamud: Leading the Way in Somaliland’s Diplomatic Triumphs in the Horn of Africa”
#Araweelo_News_Network. The speech Dr. Essa Kayd Mohamud: Leading the Way in Somaliland’s Diplomatic Triumphs in the Horn of Africa” Hon. Dr. Essa Kayd Mohamud Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Republic of Somaliland Date: 20th February 2024 Venue: Somaliland Diplomatic Mission, Addis Ababa,
#Somalia’s Denial Won’t Rewrite the Books: Somaliland Has Proven Itself a De Facto State Deserving Recognition
#Araweelo_News_Networ. Addis Ababa(ANN) -The separation between #Somaliland and the rest of #Somalia began during the colonial era, when Britain administered the territory as a protectorate separately from Italian-governed areas further south. ModermDiplolmacy,; BY Zelalem Tamir Image source: flickr/African
Breaking News; The situation in Somalia – Security Council, 9551st meeting at the New York.
Breaking News, The situation in Somalia – Security Council, 9551st meeting at the New York. #Araweelo_News_Network New York (ANN)- The United Nations Security Council is debating the situation in Somalia as well as the issues of political tensions between the
Fostering Reciprocal Diplomacy: An In-depth Analysis of the Somaliland-Ethiopia Memorandum of Understanding
#Araweelo_News_Network. Fostering Reciprocal Diplomacy: An In-depth Analysis of the Somaliland-Ethiopia Memorandum of Understanding Written by Gulaid Yusuf Idaan Senior Lecturer and Researcher Introduction The relationship between Somaliland and Ethiopia is complex, encompassing historical, economic, and strategic dimensions. Historically, their ties can
Somaliland: Xildhibaanada Awdal Oo Sheegay Innay Qayb Ka Yihiin Ansixinta Xeerarka Doorashooyinka Oo Aannay U Baahnayn Kootada Ay Haweenka Somaliland Waayeen
#Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa(ANN) Xidhibaanada Awdal oo ay hoggaaminayaan Guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee gollaha Wakiillada Cali Xaamud Jibriil iyo Xildhibaan Maxamed Abiib ayaa ka hadlay doorka ay xildhibaanada labada Golle ee guurtida iyo wakiillada kaga jira Awdal ku lahaayeen ansixinta xeerarka
US Inks Deal To Build Up To 5 Bases In Somalia
#Araweelo_News_Network. By SAMAR AL-BULUSHI And AHMED IBRAHIM US Inks Deal To Build Up To 5 Bases In Somalia This isn’t necessarily about security but about an increasing influence game in the region On February 15, the U.S. government signed