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Category: Commentator & Analysis

Total 651 Posts

China is spying on Somaliland as a whole, particularly its security services and Military

#Araweelo_News_Network. China is spying on Somaliland as a whole, particularly its security services and Military Somaliland’s reliance on Chinese technology poses a significant risk to the nation’s security and privacy. The implications and threats of this are greater than one

#Somaliland is limited by investment risk And #Somalia’s threats

#Araweelo_News_Network. Somaliland is limited by investment risk And Somalia’s threats, written by Professor Michael Walls Somaliland’s oil find could reset the regional balance: here’s how In 2020, Norwegian seismic survey company, TGS, estimated that the Somali basin as a whole likely

#Somaliland Separation: The Only Viable Path

#Araweelo_News_Network. Somaliland Separation: The Only Viable Path Somaliland’s call for total separation and sovereignty is the only viable path for a successful future. The confederation they have been advocating for is a pipe dream, unrealistic, out of the question and

Museveni Wrong on Unification of Somaliland and Somalia

#Araweelo_News_Network. by Kungu Al-Mahadi Adam. While meeting a special envoy from Somaliland, Dr. Jama Musse Jama, at State House Entebbe on Friday, President Yoweri Museveni said it is wrong for Somaliland to secede from Somalia, thereby offering himself to mediate

The Gun Charges Against Hunter Biden Are Unusual. Here’s Why.

The Gun Charges Against Hunter Biden Are Unusual. Here’s Why. Glenn Thrush #Araweelo_News_Network. The heart of the federal case against the president’s son — that he lied about drug use on a federal form when he purchased a handgun —

Stern Warning to Radical Religious Groups In Somaliland

The Radical I’tisam Group in Somaliland opposes the colonial borders in Africa without having a peaceful substitute solution that would not lead to endless violent, continental clan wars that would return Africa to Stone Age. It would be great if

A New JFK Assassination Revelation Could Upend the Long-Held “Lone Gunman” Theory

#Araweelo_News_Network. James Robenalt. He has kept his secret for 60 years. Paul Landis was one of two Secret Service agents tasked with guarding first lady Jacqueline Kennedy on November 22, 1963—the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. In a

Dagaalkii Laascaanood iyo Cidhib Xumadiisa

#Araweelo_News_Network. Dagaalkii Laascaanood iyo Cidhib Xumadiisa Dagaalkii Laascaanood si xikmadle looma maamulin. Wax kasta oo aan si xikmadi ku jirto loo maamulin ceeb iyo fashil baa looga dhaadhacaa. Weliba marka arrinku dagaal sokeeye yahay, dad ku dhimanayaan, hanityi ku burburayso,

Undeniable Historical Facts of   Somaliland’s Right to Recognition 

#Araweelo_News_Network 1. SOMALILAND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Somaliland was a British Protectorate for 76 years (1884-1960). Somaliland was independent, recognized country before Somalia. Somaliland achieved independence from Great Britain on June 26, 1960 while Somalia achieved independence on July 1, 1960 from

Somalilandders have a Remarkable Ability to Turn Adversity into Opportunity Peace and Development

#Araweelo_News_Network. The people of Somaliland have long demonstrated a strong resilience and determination throughout their history, tackling and overcoming hardships and challenges while striving to improve the country for the better. Acknowledging that the solutions to their problems are often