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Category: Commentator & Analysis

Total 651 Posts

Redrawing Horizons: Ethiopia’s Pioneering Recognition of Somaliland – Exploring the MoU’s Multifaceted Implications”

“Redrawing Horizons: Ethiopia’s Pioneering Recognition of Somaliland – Exploring the MoU’s Multifaceted Implications” Written by  Gulaid Yusuf Idaan Senior Lecturer and Researcher #Araweelo_News_Network.   This strategic agreement, signed between Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Somaliland’s President Muse Bihi Abdi, represents

#Ethiopia’s Enduring Quest for Access to the Red Sea – Historical Foundations, Geopolitical Strategies, and Regional Implications

#Araweelo_News_Network. Paper Title: Undying Ambition     Ethiopia’s Enduring Quest for Access to the Sea – Historical Foundations, Geopolitical Strategies, and Regional Implications. by Gulaid Yusuf Idaan Senior Lecturer and Researcher. Abstract: This paper delves into Ethiopia’s enduring desire for

#Somaliland’s resilience deserves international recognition

#Somaliland’s resilience deserves international recognition #Araweelo_News_Network. In a world brimming with headlines of conflict and chaos, one often overlooked success story is Somaliland, which has defied the odds, transitioning from a post-conflict territory to a thriving, independent nation. It has

#Qaza: #Israel  Guuldarada #Dagaalku Muxuu Ka Beddelay Mawqifkeedii #Xamaas

  #Araweelo_News_Network. Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist. Qaza(ANN)-Israa’iil ayaa wacad ku martay in ay baabi’in doonto xukumada Qaza ee Xamaas, kuwaas oo 7-dii Oct, 2023, ku qaaday guddaha Israel weerarkii ugu yaabka badnaa

#Kissinger: Xoghayihii Raadka Weyn Ku Lahaa Siyaasadda Gumaysiga Cusub Ee Maraykanka Oo Geeriyooday

  “Kissinger waa kii ugu Da’da weynaa ee dagaal-oogayasha nool ee Aduunka ,” Daniel Patrick Welch. >Wuxuu ahaa maskaxdii ka danbaysay Gobolka Khaliijka Iyo In Israel tahay Awoodda Gobolka By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist. #Araweelo_News_Network

#Somaliland: Republic Recognition Case at the international Court of Justice (ICJ)

#Araweelo_News_Network. #1Somaliland Historical Background Somaliland was a British Protectorate for 76 years (1884-1960). Somaliland was independent, recognized country before Somalia. Somaliland achieved independence from Great Britain on June 26, 1960 while Somalia achieved independence on July 1, 1960 from Italy.

Xidhiidhka #Turkiga Iyo Xamaas Iyo Sababaha #Erdogan Saraakiisha #Xamaas Uga Eryay Dalka Xilligan

By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist. A Ankara(ANN)– Turkiga ayaa hoggaamiyayaasha Xamaas ku amray innay dalkiisa ka baxaan, kuwaas ooh ore loo siiyay deganaansho iyo weliba Baasabooro Dulamaasi. Arrintan ayaa soo baxday laba toddobaad kaddib markii

Federal government of Somalia’s Adversaries Aim is to destabilize and Divide Somaliland into small regions

#Araweelo_News_Network. Federal government of Somalia’s Adversaries Aim is to destabilize and Divide Somaliland into small regions The news released today by the federal state of Somalia regarding the SSC Khaatumo statement is absurd and violates Somaliland’s sovereignty. LasAnod city is

Somaliland’s Port of Zeila to be invaded is either a hoax or has a hidden agenda

#Araweelo_News_Network. The recent allegation report on Somaliland’s Port of Zeila to be invaded is either a hoax or has a hidden agenda. Allegations. Spreading false and fabricated allegations are normally a statements that are unproven and untrue in the spirit

The recent activities of the Somaliland National Security Agency have been impressive.

  #Araweelo_News_Network. The recent activities of the Somaliland National Security Agency have been impressive. I am impressed by the accelerated pace of work at the SOMALILAND national intelligence agency recently. You are carrying out your duties admirably. I commend you