Category: Breaking News
Xukuumadda Somaliland Oo Ka Hadashay Dagaalka Kasoo Cusboonaaday Deegamada Bariga
#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa(ANN)-Xukuumadda jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, ayaa ka hadashay dagaalka maalintii labaad ka dhacay duleedka Qorilugud ee Buuhoodle ku dhexmaray dadka deegaanka ee ciidamada Medeniga ah iyo malayshiyaad kasoo duulay Soomalaiya. War-saxaafadeed kasoo baxay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda iyo Iskaashiga caalamiga ah
Israeli army has announced the number of wounded since the war Began
#Araweelo_News_Network Tel Aviv (ANN)-The Israeli military has announced the number of soldiers transported from the city of Elite Unit 669 in operation, which were part of the operation of the war between Hamas and the Israeli army, but recently joined
Booliska Somaliland Oo Ka Hadlay Falkii Dhalinyarada Hubaysan iyo Cida Loo Qabtay
#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa (ANN)- Booliska Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, ayaa ka hadlay falkii dhalinyada hubaysan ee habeen hore koox sitay calanka Kulmiye ku kaceen, kaas oo si weyn looga fal celiyay, isla markaana Bulshadu si weyn u hadal hayso. Sarkaal u hadlay
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran issued a statement on the Israeli attack
#Araweelo News Network. Tehran (ANN)-The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran considers the aggressive action of the Zionist regime against several military centers in Iran as a clear violation of international law and the United Nations
The results of the Israeli attack on Tehran
Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Pakistan and others condemned the attack #Araweelo News Network. Tehran (ANN)-Israel announced early Saturday morning that it targeted military sites in Iran, and the attack was carried out by Israeli planes, although it is believed that the
Ethiopia Has Recognized Somaliland?
Does this mean that Somaliland is recognized by Ethiopia? Did Ethiopia recognize Somaliland, answered an interview given by Deutsche Welle in Africa policy, Senior Diplomat Abdullahi Mohamed Duale #Araweelo News Network Addis Ababa (ANN)-Somaliland, which is self-governing and part
Israel Oo Xaqiijisay Weerarka Guriga Benjamin Netanyahu
#Araweelo News Network. Tel Aviv (ANN)- Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Israel Benjamin Netanyahu ayaa la weeraray gurigiisa oo ku yaal magaalada xeebta ku taal ee Caesarea, halkaas oo ay weerartay diyaarad nooca aan duuliyaha lahayn ee Drone. Diyaarad nooca aan