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Ethiopian Finance Minister to Keynote 5th International Interest-Free Banking Forum

Event Aims to Advance Financial Inclusion and Economic Development #Araweelo_News_Network Dubai (ANN)- 17 August 2024, Dubai- UAE): AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics (CIBE) is organizing the 5th International Interest-Free Banking & Takaful forum in Ethiopia. This event aims

Hargeysa: Kulan Lagu Maamuusay Samafale

#Araweelo_News_Network.   Hargeysa {ANN)-Koox ka socota Hay’adda khayriga ah ee Kafaalo Foundation, ayaa kulan casuumad sharafeed ah ku maamuustay, isla markaana kusoo dhowaysay Magaalada Hargeysa, samafale  Mohamed Omer Maigag  Samatar (Taag) oo ka mid ah dadka u ololeeya arrimaha khayriga.

Somaliland: Countries Perceived as Adversaries

  #Araweelo_News_Network.   Countries Perceived as Adversaries: The five countries that oppose acknowledging Somaliland as a sovereign state are indicative of the intricate geopolitical hurdles that Somaliland must navigate in its pursuit of international recognition. Situated along the Red Sea

UK government has warned of the situation in the Horn of Africa and the increased risks

  “UK endorsement of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland might be a strategic move to,, “James Kariuki,UK envoy for UN.     #Araweelo_News_Network. New York (ANN)-The UK’s deputy envoy to the United Nations, James Kariuki,

The Gulf countries, US, issued a warning statement to the warring parties in Sudan

#Araweelo_News_Network Jeddah (ANN)-The protracted war between the warring parties in Sudan has drawn the world’s attention at this time, as the humanitarian situation has worsened. while there is no peaceful solution. Some of the major powers and the Gulf countries,

Somalia: press release on the talks in Turkey

    #Araweelo_News_Network. Ankara (ANN)’ Somalia Federal government issued a press release on the talks in Turkey.   The Federal Republic of Somalia is committed to participating in the upcoming third round of talks, with the expectation that it will

Ankara: Ethiopia Press Release

  #Araweelo_News_Network.   Ankara(ANN)-The Ethiopian government issued a press release on the talks in Turkey.  

Yemen: The Houthis attacked two of the US Navy ships using drones and missiles

    #Araweelo_News_Network   Yemen Hodeidah (ANN)-Local sources in Yemen reported a fresh aggression carried out by the United States and the United Kingdom against the Arab country on Monday. The United States and the United Kingdom attacked Kamaran Island

Turkey has encouraged Ethiopia to abandon the Somaliland Agreement on Port Access.

    Ankara has been warned against interfering in the agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland   #Araweelo_News_Network. Ankara (ANN)-The Turkish government, which is deeply involved in Somalia, has opened a dialogue on the issue with Ethiopia and Somalia, expecting that

Somaliland: Madaxweyne Biixi Oo Aragtida Turkiga Ku Tilmaamay Mid Aannay Marnaba Aqbalayn

  “Arrinta Turkigu waa Qoraxdii ayaa galbeed kasoo baxday”Madaxweyne Biixi #Araweelo_News_Network Berbera(ANN)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland,  Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo hoggaaminaya wefdi xukuumadda ka tirsan, ayaa gaadhay Magaalada Berbera ee xarunta gobolka Saaxil, halkaas oo Madaxweyne Biixi iyo wefdigiisu ay kala kulmeen