Telesom dahabshiil
mubarak tanzil

The Mayor of LasAnod SSC

#Araweelo_News _Network   The Mayor of Lasanod, Mr. Abdulqadir Ahmed Aw Ali, commonly known as Firdhiye, recently shared his thoughts on an article that referred to Somaliland as a clan-state. In his remarks, he emphasized several points that need clarification

The Election leadership of the AU Commission will play a critical role in shaping challenges for Africa

The Election leadership of the AU Commission will play a critical role in shaping challenges for Africa   #Araweelo_News _Network 38th AU Summit: A Turning Point for Continent’s Leadership, Global Reparatory Justice By Girma Mirgesa While Addis Ababa is undergoing

Somaliland: Significance of President Ciro’s Participation in WGS in Dubai.

Significance of President Ciro’s Participation in WGS in Dubai. For the past two years, I have been closely following the speeches of Mr. Ibrahim Caydiid. He is a vocal supporter of the Kulmiye party, and while his political allegiance is

Somaliland President and his delegation will make good use of the opportunities

Somaliland President Leaves for Dubai to Attend 2025 World Government Summit. #Araweelo_News_Network Dubai (ANN)-President Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi (Irro] and his Delegation departed from Somaliland Monday 10 Feberuary 2025, to participat a meeting of the World Governments in the United Arab

Somaliland President delivered a powerful and strategic speech at the World Governments UAE.

#Araweelo_News_Network Dubai (ANN)-The President of the Republic of Somaliland, H.E. Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi- (irro , delivered a powerful and strategic speech at the World Governments Summit in Dubai UAE. The President Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi (Irro) He highlighted Somaliland’s rich history,

Safarka Madaxweynaha Ee Dalka Imaaraadka Iyo Ujeedada Socdaalkiisa UAE

#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa (ANN)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland  Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdulllaahi (Cirro) iyo wefti uu haggaminayo ayaa maanta gelinkii danbe safar ugu baxay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta (UAE). Madaxweynaha iyo wefdigiisa ayaa galabta diyaarad khaas ķaga duulay Madaarka Hargeysa (Egal International Airport) . Afhayeenka

Somaliland Madaxweyne Cirro Oo Ka Hadlay Doorashooyinka Gollayaasha Wakiillada iyo Degaanka

#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa (ANN)- Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland , Cabdiramxaan Maxamed Cabdullaahi (Cirro) ayaa cadeeyay in xukuumad ahaan ay diyaar u yihiin in la qabto doorashooyinka isku sidkan ee gollaha Wakiillada iyo Gollayaasha deegaanka. Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Cirro ayaa arrintaa ka hadlay ka

Dahabshiil Group donates $330,000 to Businesses affected by the fire at the Gobanimo Market In Hargeisa

  Dahabshiil Group Company is known for responding to the emergency needs of the community #Araweelo_News_Network Hargeisa (ANN0-Dahabshiil Company has announced a donation to help rebuild and assist those whose properties were destroyed in the radio market fire last week.

The Port of Doraleh in Djabouti has Scandals with the Presidential

#Araweelo_News_Network Djibouti (ANN)- A Decree issued by the President of Ports of Djibouti SA to the general manager of Doraleh port in Djibouti, which is an old port, has revealed administrative scandals and several serious allegations that have highlighted various

Khariirada Muujinay Dalalka Bixiya Dhalashada Aan Shuruuda Lahayn?

22 Gobol Oo Maraynka Ah Ayaa Gudbiyay Dacwaddaha ka hor imanaya Amarka Fulinta ee Madaxweyne Trump Waa Maxay Dhalashada Maraykanka? #Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa (ANN)- Qaar baddan oo ka mid ah dalalka Aduunka  ayaa la xaqiijiyay innay bixiyaan dhalashada muwaadinimo , kuwaas