Diyaaraddaha Iran Oo Wax Ka Beddelay Dagaalka Suudaan Ee Sannadka Galay
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#Araweelonews is a Associated Network News The most trusted source for news & Political/ investigation reports/ Human Rights Issues/Educations/Social affairs and .
A Vietnamese billionaire is facing a tragic death after being found in one of the biggest scams in history
“I am so angry that I was stupid enough to get involved in this very fierce business environment, the banking sector which I have little knowledge of.”She said, according to Vietnam state media. The campaign has seen two presidents and
Somaliland: Madaxweyne Biixi Oo Ka Hadlay Dalal U Holladay Aqoonsiga Somaliland
#Araweelo_News_Networ. Hargeysa(ANN)-Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo maanta boqolaal shacabka Magaalada Caasimadda Somaliland ee Hargeysa, ayaa ka Hadlay Arrimo baddan oo dhinacyada dhaqaalaha, siyaasadda iyo amniga ah. Madaxweyne Biixi, wuxuu sheegay in in dhawr mar oo ay dalalka
Somaliland sent Aid to Gaza
#Araweelo_News_Network Qaza (ANN)-The head of the Organization of Palestinian Islamic Scholars Abroad, Dr. Nawaf Takruri: thanked the Government of the Republic of Somaliland and its people for the support shown to the people of Gaza in the Defense of
Washington issued a security warning to Somalia
#Ar aweelo_News_Network. Nairobi Kenya (ANN)-Washington warned of an increased security threat in Somalia. The US Embassy in Nairobi has issued a high alert regarding security threats in Mogadishu to its citizens. According to statement from the US Embassy in
Iran Oo Maraykanka Ku Eeddaysay Inuu Israel Ka Dhigay Iftiin Cagaaran
Maraykanka Oo Beeniyay Innay Iran Ka Aqbashay in Aannay jawaab Aargoosi ah Ka samayn Weerarkii Dimishiq #Araweelo_News_Network Damascus, Syria (ANN) – Dawladda Kacaanka Islaamiga ee Iran, ku celiyay innay nidar ku gashay ka jawaabtiisa weerarkii lagu qaaday dhisme qunsiliyadeed oo
Markab Xoollo U Siday Sacuudiga Oo Qaraqmay
Araweelo_News_Network. Georgia, Batumi (ANN)-Markab Xoollo u siday dalka Sacuudiga, ayaa degey, waxaana laga badbaadiyay shaqaalihii saarnaa, kaddib uu ku ciirray Biyaha Badda. Markabka oo sitay calanka Dalka Tanzaaniya, waxa saarnaa sida ay sheegayaan wararka ka imanaya Georgia qiyaastii 6,800 oo
How a China-Built Railway Is Connecting Ethiopia to the World
Cover Story: By Araweelo_News_Network. Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist. Cape Twon to Cairo (ANN)-Since its launch, the Addis-Djibouti Railway has transported over 677,000 passengers and nearly 9.47 million tons of freight. Despite this,
Ethiopian: Commercial Bank of names list and shames the customers over bank glitch money
#Araweelo_News__Network. Addis Ababa (ANN)- An Ethiopian bank has put up posters shaming customers it says have not returned money they gained during a technical glitch. Notices bearing their names and photos could be seen outside branches of
Maraykanka Oo Ka Cabsi Qaba Weerar kaga Yimaada Iran Iyo Xullufadeeda
#Araweelo_News_Network. Washington (ANN)–Maraykanka ayaa ka wer wersan weeraro aargudaasho oo kaga yimaada Iran wax yar kaddib markii weerar xagga cirka ah oo si weyn loogu nisbeeyay Israa’iil iyo Maraykanka lagu burburiyay dhisme qunsuliyadda Iran ay ku leedahay Suuriya. Maraykanka ayaa