Telesom dahabshiil
mubarak tanzil

Berbera and Djibouti are strategic ports for a long , But this competition has an impact on the economy and Business relations of the country. The World Bank’s latest report

Berbera Port in Somaliland has emerged as a force to be reckoned with, securing an impressive fourth position in the World Bank’s Container Port Performance Index 2023.The World Bank’s latest report Berbera and Djibouti have long been strategic ports in

Somalia: Giant step for with UN Security Council seat

  #Araweelo_News_Network.   New York (ANN)- Somalia has won a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council – hailed as a significant step for the war-torn nation. It will be the first time the country, which descended into civil

The Houthis in Yemen presented a new missile that created fear

Yemen New Missile “Palestine’ Missile a Long-Range One with Hypersonic Speed, Precise Targeting #Araweelo_News_Network. London (ANN)-The Houthis in Yemen, who are at war with America and its allies, have presented modern weapons that have attracted the attention of the world,

Iran: Hoggaamiyaha Ugu Neceb Maraykanka Iyo Israel Oo Tartanka Doorashada Tehran Safka Hore Ka Galay

#Araweelo_News_Network. Tehran (ANN)- Dalka Iran waxa ka bilaabmay loollanka la doonayo in loogu tartamayo jagada Madaxweynaha ee bannaanaatay, kaddib markii uu shil diyaaradeed ku dhintay Madaxweynihii hore Ebrahim Raisi 19 May 2024, taas oo ku bur-burtay buuraleyda u dhow xuduudka

 Sawiro Laga Qaaday Markabka Nukliyeerka Ee USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Ee Xuutiyiintu Gantaalaha La Beegsadeen

Sheekadda Markabka Nukliyeerka Ee USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Ee Xuutiyiintu Gantaalaha La Beegsadeen Oo Qabsatay Warbaahinta #Araweelo_News_Network. Beijing (ANN)-Sawirro dayax-gacmeed uu leeyahay China, oo  ku taariikhaysnaa 4 Juun 2024, ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Markabka labaad ee ugu da’ada weyn

Washington: USS Eisenhower Damage After Houthi Strike?

Do Photos Show USS Eisenhower Damage After Houthi Strike? #Araweelo_News_Network. Washington( ANN)-The American media spoke about the news that caught the attention of the international media as well as the social media that show the pictures of the damage caused

Iran Oo Waxba Kama Jiraan Ka Dhigtay Hindisaha Maraykanka Ee Xabbad Joojinta Dagaalka Qaza

#Araweelo_News_Nerwork. Tehran(ANN)- Xukuumadda Kacaanka Islaamiga ah ee Iran, ayaa ganafka ku dhufatay qorshaha Madaxweyne Biden ee ah in Xamaas shuruud la’aan ku aqbasho heshiiska uu soo bandhigay hiidihiisa ee Isael iyo Xamaas . Madaxweyne Biden oo lsi badheedh ah ula

Ethiopia Energy Supply and Neighboring Countries

The common implementation strategy and action plan that will support accelerate Ethiopia’s energy transition #Araweelo_News_Nerwork. Addis Ababa (ANN)-The Ethiopian government has said that it has accelerated the delivery of energy to its neighboring countries, receiving financial support from countries such

Booqashada Xarrunta Baarlamaanka Midowga Yurub Ee Brussels Cabdixakiim jamhuuriya

Booqashada Xarrunta Baarlamaanka Midowga Yurub Ee Brussels Cabdixakiim jamhuuriya #Araweelo_News_Nerwork. Brussels, Belgium(ANN)-“Maanta waxaa magaalada Brussels ee xarrunta Baarlamaanka Midawga Yurub nagu soo booqday Tafatirihii hore ee Wargeyskii Jamhuuriya London Cabdixakiim Maxamed Sheekh oo sanadihii u danbeeyay Dal-joog ahaa, isagoo kasoo

The Challenges of the Somali Government Facing the Sovereignty of Somaliland

How the Somaliland Is Committed To Defeat The Somali Conspiracy? #Araweelo_News_Nerwork. Challenges: The Somali government is faced with references to plans to undermine the sovereignty of Somaliland.   While the FSG’s planned stages of interference are designed to destabilise Somaliland,