TelesomdahabshiiltanzilSmiley face<90

Ceergaabo Baaq Nabadeed Oo Loo Riyaaqay

    #Araweelo_News_Network Ceergaabo(ANN)-Magaalada Ceergaabo ee xarunta gobolka Sanaag ayaa lagaga dhawaaqay Fagaaraha Beetta Nuura Baaq nabadeed oo lagu daminayo Collaada maalmihii u danbeeyay ka aloosantay oo sababtay dhimasho tobaneeyo qof, taas oo abuurtay jawi xasiloonidaro oo ku khasbay inay

Muslin kuma Cabiidsamo wallaan Madaxa kaa go’yne

Muslin kuma Cabiidsamo wallaan Madaxa kaa go’yne!!     #Araweelo_News_Networ. Waar yaadhaheen! Sawtii la lahaa Xasan Sh. Maxamuud waa Aldamu Aljadiid (الذم الجديد )? Cid baa odhan karta, “haddu yahayse?” Dee sawkan qaylo-dhaanta u dirty Cabdul Fataax Alsiisey (عبد الفتاح

Djibouti invited Ethiopia to the port of Tadjourah to removed MoU Somaliland-Ethiopia

    #Araweelo_News_Network   Djibouti (ANN)- The government of Djibouti has clearly stated that it has ended the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia, and the solution to the issue is on the table of President Ismail Omar Guelle. Djibouti’s Minister

Open letter to Blinken U.S. Department of State Office of the Secretary

  #Araweeelo_News_Network   The Honorable Antony J.  Blinken U.S. Department of State Office of the Secretary, Room 7226 Harry S. Truman Building 2201 C Street, NW Washington D.C. 20520 August 29,2024 Dear Secretary Blinken: My name is Hassan Mogeh Hirsi,

SAHAN: Center for the Care and Treatment of People with Mental Illness 15th annual anniversary

    #Araweelo_News_ Network   Hargeisa (ANN)- The Health, care and rehabilitation center of SAHAN, which treats and cares for people with mental illnesses, held an event to mark the 15th anniversary of its establishment in the northern center of

Ethiopia double-edged Diplomacy

    #Araweelo_News_Network Ethiopia’s approach to the MOU signed with Somaliland on January 1, 2024, reflects a delicate, but strategic diplomatic balancing act. Despite active efforts from the Somali government, Turkey, Djibouti, and even the United States to derail the

Mogadishu: the government of Hassan Sheikh demanded UN that Ambassador James Swan continue to govern Somalia

The first phase of UNSOM a new name – United Nations Assistance Transition Mission in Somalia (UNATMIS or UNTRASOM) and a new mandate #Araweelo_News_Network. Mogdishu Somalia, (ANN)-The government of Somalia requested the presence and support of the United Nations in

Somaliland, the state eager to become the world’s next country, by The Economist

Inside Somaliland, the state eager to become the world’s next country, by The Economist report.   #Araweelo_News_Network. The National day in Somaliland means joy, pomp and machines of war. On May 18th the president and assembled dignitaries watched, from the

The position of the Somaliland government on the conflict in Sanaag region

The government says it is protecting everyone living in Sanaag region #Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeisa (ANN)-The Government of the Republic of Somaliland has held a meeting on the current situation in the country. As the tension of the conflict in the Eastern

Ethiopia has increased its plans to Grand Dam, and the Egyptian crisis in the region has increased

    #Araweelo_News_Network Addis Ababa (ANN)- Ethiopia said it has more than doubled electricity production from its controversial mega-dam on the Blue Nile after two more turbines started operations.   Ethiopia’s government says it has doubled the power output of