Telesom dahabshiil
mubarak tanzil

Ethiopia should be the first choice the Elected President’s Somaliland

Ethiopia should be the President’s first choice: #Araweelo_News_Network. His Excellency President Mr. Abdirahman Mahamed Abdullahi to prioritize Ethiopia for his first official international visit reflects a nuanced understanding of regional dynamics and the strategic imperatives for Somaliland. Expanding on the

President Muse Bihi spoke about his position on the results of the Somaliland election

The president Muse Bihi told his supporters in KULMIYE that the victory of Eelection belongs to the nation of Somaliland Somaliland Elected Prisident Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi ‘Cirro’ from the opposition political PartyWADANI candidate get two-thirds of the votes (2/3). The

The peaceful transfer of power would serve as a reaffirmation of Somaliland

#Araweelo_News_Network The peaceful transfer of power would serve as a reaffirmation of Somaliland’s democratic aspirations. The prospect of a peaceful transfer of power in Somaliland under President Muse Bihi Abdi’s leadership would mark a profound moment in the nation’s political

Marwada Madaxweyihii Geeriyooday Axmed Siilaanyo

Marwo Aamina Weris Sheekh Maxamed. “Anigoo ah Marwo Aamina Weris Sheekh Maxamed Jirde, Marwadii Koowaad ee Madaxweynihii Afraad ee JSL, Kuna hadlaya guud ahaan afka qoyska, Geerida ku timid Madaxweyne Hore Marxuum Xaajigaygii Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo waxay ahayd mid

Somailand: Natiijada Doorashada Oo Loo Gudbiyay Maxkamadda Dastuuriga Ah

#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa (ANN)- Gudidda Doorashooyinka Qaranka Somaliland, ayaa maanta Maxkabada Sare Ee Dustuuriga ah u gudbiyay Natiijada Ku-meelgaadhka ah ee Doorashada Madaxweynaha, Ku-xigeenka Madaxweynaha iyo Xisbiyada Qaranka. Gudidda ayaa shalay ku dhiwaaqay natiijada hordhaca ah ee doorashada, taas oo ku

Somaliland: The Results of Presidential and Party Elections on 13 Nov 2024

Opposition win the Presidental on election 13 Nov 2024 #Araweelo_News_Network   Hargeisa (ANN)’ Somaliland has temporarily announced the results of the Presidential and Party Elections held in the country on 13 Nov 2024. This has been eagerly awaited. the results

Warqad Furan oo Ku Socota Dadkayga Somaliland

Codadka maamula baraha bulshada Maaha kuwo matali kara rabitaanka guud ama dabeecadda dadkeenna Walaalayaal, Maalmihii u dambeeyay, bulshadeenu waxaa ku soo badanayay hadalo xanaaq leh oo aan ka fiirsasho lahayn oo baraha bulshada lagu faafiyay, kuwaas oo la xidhiidha natiijada

Goodby Ahmed Siilaanyo. A Legacy of Leadership, Liberation, and Nation-Building in Somaliland and Somalia

#Araweelo_News_Network Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud ‘Siilaanyo”, who was a great fighter who was famous for leading the fight for freedom, and who was the fourth President of Somaliland, who had a great history in Somaliland, Somalia and the region, will be

Why Villa Somalia criticized the visit of six European ambassadors to Somaliland

  #Araweelo_News_Network   In his recent press conference, the Villa Somalia Foreign Minister, Mr. Fiqi, criticized the visit of six European ambassadors to Somaliland, where they were observing preparations for the upcoming presidential election. This criticism, aimed at undermining Somaliland’s

Ahmed Silanyo, the Famous leader of a great fighter pass away

#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeisa (ANN)-The former president of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Silanyo, who was a great asset to the Somaliland community and the Somali community as a whole, pass away  this evening at his home in Hargeisa. Ahmed Silanyo, who was