
#Somaliland: Nidaamka Casriyaynta Cashuuraha Kala Wareejinta Iyo Qabashada Dakhliga Ee Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maaliyadda

#Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa (ANN)-Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maaliyadda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, ayaa diyaarisay qaab cusub oo ah Nidaamka Casriyaynta Qabashada Dakhliga Cashuuraha Kala-wareejinta Iibka…


Markabka Xuutiyiintu Garaaceen Ee Xanbaara Diyaarayaddaha Iyo Nukliyeerka USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Xaggee Ku Danbeeyay

"Hoggaamiyayaasha ciidamada Badda ayaa ka walwalsan badmaaxiinta, oo dhab ahaantii aan awoodin inay arkaan gantaalada soo socda ee Xuutiyiinta ee…


Qorshaha Madaxweyne William Ruto Ee Kenya Oo Sababay Dibadbaxyo Khasaare Dhaliyay

Kenya Oo Mar Kale La Dhibaataysan Dhibaatooyin Dhaqaale #Araweelo_News_Network. Nairobi (ANN)-Dalka Kenya ayaa waxaa ku sii fidaya dibadbaxyo looga soo…


Somaliland, Ethiopia, And Yemen, I Learned Chewing the Stimulant Khat Across Three Countries

#Araweelo_News_Network. "While in Yemen, Ethiopia, and Somaliland, I learned about the history, lore, and complicated relationship countries in the Horn…


Who is the Sheikh Abdullaahi Sh. Ali Johar?

Here’s a more detailed overview of Sheikh Cabdullaahi Sh. Ali Johar’s life, contributions, and legacy as an icon of peace…


Putin and Kim Jong Un will meet in North Korea, supporter of Russia’s war in Ukraine

  Araweelo News Network.   Seoul, South Korea — President Vladimir Putin of Russia has arrived in North Korea for…


Ethiopia claims to have 21.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserve

#Araweelo_News_Network. Canada, Toronto (ANN)– This Week, Ethiopia claims to have discovered 21.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserves in…


Somaliland: A Beacon of Hope for African Self-Determination and Democracy

  #Araweelo_News_Network.   Somaliland’s commitment to democratic principles is evident in its track record of holding free and fair elections,…


Somaliland-Ethiopia What’s The Benefits of The MoU Two Naitions 

  #Araweelo_News_Network.     Here the Detailes Benefits of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Between Somaliland and Ethiopia.   The…


US Economist Warns ‘Worse Stock Market Crash’ in Two Years

The global economic landscape is moving towards the Danger   #Araweelo_News_Network.   Washington(ANN)-The global economy is in turmoil, with some…
