Somaliland’s President-elect met with the outgoing President
#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa(ANN)-.The President of the Republic of Somaliland, Mr. Muse Bihi Abdi, held a greeting and information meeting with the…
#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa(ANN)-.The President of the Republic of Somaliland, Mr. Muse Bihi Abdi, held a greeting and information meeting with the…
Open Letter to His Excellency, President Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi Subject: The Importance of a Competent and Reputable First Cabinet…
Ethiopia should be the President’s first choice: #Araweelo_News_Network. His Excellency President Mr. Abdirahman Mahamed Abdullahi to prioritize Ethiopia for his…
The president Muse Bihi told his supporters in KULMIYE that the victory of Eelection belongs to the nation of Somaliland…
#Araweelo_News_Network The peaceful transfer of power would serve as a reaffirmation of Somaliland's democratic aspirations. The prospect of a peaceful…
Marwo Aamina Weris Sheekh Maxamed. “Anigoo ah Marwo Aamina Weris Sheekh Maxamed Jirde, Marwadii Koowaad ee Madaxweynihii Afraad ee JSL,…
#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa (ANN)- Gudidda Doorashooyinka Qaranka Somaliland, ayaa maanta Maxkabada Sare Ee Dustuuriga ah u gudbiyay Natiijada Ku-meelgaadhka ah ee…
Opposition win the Presidental on election 13 Nov 2024 #Araweelo_News_Network Hargeisa (ANN)' Somaliland has temporarily announced the results of…
Codadka maamula baraha bulshada Maaha kuwo matali kara rabitaanka guud ama dabeecadda dadkeenna Walaalayaal, Maalmihii u dambeeyay, bulshadeenu waxaa ku…
#Araweelo_News_Network Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud ‘Siilaanyo", who was a great fighter who was famous for leading the fight for freedom, and…