Launch of the Book Citizenship and Governance
Launch of the Book Citizensh ip and Governance “Waddaniyadda iyo Dowladnimada Somaliland” in Burco on April 11, 2025 Araweelo_News_Network I am thrilled to share exciting news about the newly published book, “Waddaniyadda iyo Dowladnimada,” now available in major cities,
Somaliland: Maxaa Ku Cusub Shirka Gollaha Wasiirrada
“Diyaaraddaha Caalamiga ah ee imanaya Somaliland, iyo shuruucda socdaalka ee la waafajinayo Rakaabka la socda diyaaraddaha” Wasiirka Duulista Somaliland Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa(ANN)-Shirka Gollaha Wasiirrada Somaliland ee Xukuumadda Maxameyne Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdulllaahi Cirro, ayaa fadhigii maanta kaga hadlay arrimo baddan oo la
Somaliland: Xukuumadda Oo Sharaxday Qaabka Loo Qaadayo Cashuuraha Lasoo Rogay
Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa(ANN)- Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, ayaa ka hadashay doodaha ka dhashay cashuuraha ay xukuumaddu dhowaan sheegtay innay hirgelinayso dalka, taas oo dhalisay hadalhayn la xidhiidha sida ay culayska ugu noqonay Bulshada. Hase yeeshee Wasaaradda Maaliyadda iyo Horumarinta Dhaqaallaha Somaliland ayaa
Shinbirta Fiinta Miyaa Laga Ikhtiraacay Raadaarka
Waa Kuwee Shinbiraha Dhawaaqyada Digniinaha Sameeyaa? Araweelo_News_Network Shimbirta fiintu waxay leedahay ishaarooyin cajiib ah, waxayna shinbirtaa oo soomaalidu u taqaan magaceeda Fiinta ay samaysaa oo caan ku tahay dhawaaq oohin ah, iyadoo inta baddan dhawaaqa noocaa ah samaysa sida looga
International Recognition: A Unique Quest Rooted in History and Law Somaliland
The Legal Case for Somaliland&International Recognition: A Unique Quest Rooted in History and Law Araweelo_News_Network Somaliland’s pursuit of international recognition is not just another bid for statehood. Unlike many self-determination movements, Somaliland’s claim to sovereignty is grounded in a distinctive
Somalia: The militant group’s Build-Up and Strategic Positioning
Araweelo_News_Network Somalia: The militant group’s Build-Up and Strategic Positioning The militant group’s Al-Shabaab is preparing to take control of Mogadishu and establish its governing authority within the next two weeks. This bold move exploits the current political instability gripping the
Somaliland President Declares His Government’s Position on War and Its Role in Peace
Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa (ANN)-The President of the Republic of Somaliland, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilaahi (Cirro), has spoken about his government’s stance on defending national sovereignty, and has clearly stated that attacks on the military are not a deviation from his government’s stance
Ethiopia’s Digital Payments Growth Opportunities
Stanchion Charts: Ethiopia’s Digital Payments Growth Opportunities PRESS RELEASE Dear Editor, Araweelo News I have a press release from Stanchion Payments Solutions, a leading global PayTech solution provider, that would interest you and your readers. If you require additional information
Puntland is a weak Somali administration that supports terrorism and piracy groups
Araweelo_News_Network Puntland is a weak Somali administration that supports terrorism and piracy groups While the international community is aware that Puntland hosts and supports groups engaged in terrorist acts and piracy in the Horn of Africa, particularly against Somaliland and
Somaliland: How to Develop a policy governing storage, and dissemination of sensitive information
Develop a comprehensive policy governing the classification, storage, and dissemination of sensitive information Araweelo_News_Network The Somaliland government must take decisive and stringent measures to effectively control and monitor social media activities, particularly on platforms that are widely used by the