The Somaliland President opened the conference of farmers in the Country

Araweelo_News_Network "The government plans to create high schools for agricultural knowledge and to provide training to farmers to promote modern…


Telesom Group handed over the check $250,000 to the government committee assigned the smal market by the fire Hargeisa

Araweelo_News_Network Hargeisa (ANN)-Telesom Group has donated $250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand dollars) to the people affected by the fire…


Qaraarka Maxkamadda Ciidamada Ee Dilka Toogashada Sharafdarada Ee Lagu Riday Askari Hore

Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa (ANN)-Maxkamadda Sare ee Ciidamada Somaliland  ayaa Xukun Dil ah ku riday Isniintii maanta Askarigii Dilka u geystay Taliyihii…


Dahabshiil Group Honoured with Corporate Social Responsibility Award

Araweelo_News_Network The Dahabshiil Group of Companies was honored with the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) award at the Somaliland Achievement Awards…


Unconditional Reconciliation and Peace building Council

Unconditional Reconciliation  and Peace building Council ( URPC). Araweelo_News_Network. To get peace we need unconditional  between Somaliland Goverment and Khaatumo…


US billionaire and Trump confidant Elon Musk made headlines in Germany During the Election

AFD Party 12 years after the far-right party was founded, it has become the second-largest political force in the country.…


Maamulaha Dahabshiil Group Oo Kulan La Yeeshay Madaxweynihii Hore Muuse Biixi

Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa (ANN)-Maamulaha Shirkaddaha Dahabshiil Group Cabdirashiid Maxamed Siciid Ducaale (Dahabshiil) ayaa kulan booqasho ah ugu tegey Madaxwaynihii hore ee…


The Geopolitical Motive Behind Puntland’s Accusations

The Geopolitical Motive Behind Puntland’s Accusations Why Puntland’s allegations Somailand? Araweelo_News_Network Puntland's accusations against the Somaliland government—alleging that it harbours…


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden was asked about the position of the recognition of Somaliland by US and Isreal

"Somaliland has conducted several elections that have been perceived as relatively free and fair, the most recent of which was…


Somaliland: Hawlgalka Booliska Ee Amniga Caasimada Oo Lagu Qabtay Boqolaal Hubka Aan Sanqadhin

#Araweelo_News_Network Hargyesa (ANN)- Taliska Ciidanka Booliska Somaliland ayaa soo bandhigay hubka gacanta lagu qaato ee aan sanqadhin oo loo adeegsado…
