“Due to the presence of prohibited artifical colors that pose potential health risk.”



Kuwait City march 2 2025, The public Authority for food and nutrition (PAFN), has ussied warning regarding the Chiken stock a poduct of maragatty monufactred in Egypty.

Due to the presence of prohibited artifical colors that pose potential health risk.

Accoding the posted by local Media of Kuwait the Authority for food and nutrition (PAFN), have comfiimed that the Product has not entered of Kuwait, But urged concumres to avoid its use and dispose of it imediotely.

f found the afacted product comes in a 480-grm package ad has an exprition date of November 1 2025′ said the Authority for food and nutrition (PAFN).

Arabtimes, a Kuwaiti newspaper, also published the warning.