#Araweelo News Network.


Asmara (ANN)-The leaders of the countries of Egypt, Somalia and Eritrea who held a meeting in the capital of Eritrea in Asmara, have issued a united position in their meeting, which is a threatening message to the regional politics of Ethiopia.

The three countries whose leaders met in Asmara all had bad relations with Ethiopia. A statement from the Eritrean conference on Thursday said that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the countries of the region should be respected.


This issue can be considered as a direct indication of Ethiopia’s desire to have a Red Sea port, but it was not specifically mentioned in the news from the meeting of the countries that gathered in Asmara.

The diplomatic dispute between Ethiopia and the countries of Eritrea and Egypt, was strengthened by the agreement of 1 January 2024, between Somaliland and Ethiopia, which greatly angered the government of Somalia and Egypt, while the Federal Government of Somalia was angry about the MoU agreement between Somaliland and Ethiopia.

Related: Djibouti invited Ethiopia to the port of Tadjourah to removed MoU Somaliland-Ethiopia

Somalia instead entered into a military agreement with Egypt, with Egypt promising to send troops to Somalia, but the Ethiopian government and countries concerned about the security and stability of the region have warned against the plan for Egypt to send troops to Somalia.

The three Presidents of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, the President of Egypt, Abdulfattah Al-Sisi and Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. were seen holding hands, which is a message interpreted to be going to Ethiopia, but the Minister of Information of Somalia, say the meeting was about cooperation between the three countries, he said that not something against Addis Ababa,” said Focus on Africa.

Joint Communiqué Asmara:

The Heads of State:

1. Discussed the imperative of adhering to the basic principles and pillars of international law as the foundation for regional stability and cooperation. They emphasized the need for unequivocal respect for the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of the countries in the region. They also stressed the importance of confronting any interference in the internal affairs of regional countries under any pretext or justification. Furthermore, they underlined the importance of coordinating joint efforts to ensure regional stability and creating a conducive environment for joint and sustainable development.

2. Agreed to develop and deepen cooperation and coordination between the three countries to enhance the capabilities of Somali state institutions. This includes enabling the Somali National Federal Army to combat terrorism in all its forms, protect its land and maritime borders, and safeguard its territorial integrity.

3. Discussed in depth and reached consensus on the following key issues:
– The crisis in Sudan and its regional repercussions;
– The situation in Somalia in light of recent regional developments;
– Security and cooperation among the Littoral States of the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait, recognizing its utmost importance as a critical maritime route;
– Modalities for diplomatic coordination and joint efforts between Eritrea, Egypt, and Somalia.

4. Welcomed the efforts made by the State of Eritrea and the Arab Republic of Egypt in supporting stability in the brotherly State of Somalia. They also commended the offer of the Arab Republic of Egypt to contribute forces within the framework of peacekeeping efforts in Somalia, to further support regional security and stability.

5. Agreed to establish a Joint Tripartite Committee composed of the Foreign Ministers of Eritrea, Egypt, and Somalia to promote strategic cooperation across all fields, with the aim of strengthening political, security, and economic relations.

Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.
