
The recent extraordinary step of inviting the militia leader from Lascanood to Djibouti and hosting him in a meeting with President Ismail Omar Guelleh marks a significant shift in diplomatic relations with potentially far-reaching consequences for the Horn of Africa.

This turn of events has the potential to reshape the regional dynamics, especially impacting Somaliland, and is expected to have both immediate and enduring effects.
Context and Background
Lascanood and Its Significance:
 Location: Lascanood is a Town in the Sool region of Somaliland. It has a history of conflict and contention, making it a flashpoint in the ongoing struggle for control and influence.
 Current Situation: The city has been marred by frequent clashes, with various militias asserting dominance.

The leader received by Djibouti is currently at the forefront of these conflicts, commanding a significant militant faction often described as having al-Shabaab Islamist leanings.

Djibouti’s Geopolitical Role:
 Historical Stance: Djibouti has traditionally maintained a neutral position in regional disputes, leveraging its strategic port and international relationships to act as a mediator rather than a conflict participant.“to continue the story click the link below


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Writer: – Eng. Abdi Ali Barkhad
Independent political analyst