Araweelo News Network

New York(ANN)-The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia has expressed great confidence in the General Assembly, and he has strongly defended the purpose of his country in the operations it is conducting in Ukraine, which has been widely felt in the world in terms of economy and security.

Talking to reporters in New York, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov today (24 Sep) said there is an open document outlining Russia’s “doctrine for nuclear security,”

Lavrov invited journalists “to take another look at what explicitly sets out instances where nuclear weapons use by the us would be acceptable.” he said.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation briefed reporters on the statement made at the General Assembly, the situation in Ukraine and other topics.

Lavrov, asked about whether Russian-occupied territories in Ukraine that would be annexed to the Russian Federation as a result of a referendum currently being conducted, would fall under that doctrine, he said, “I would not here try to make any gloomy forecasts. The entire territory of the Russian Federation which is enshrined and could be further enshrined in the constitution of the Russian Federation unquestionably is under the full protection of the state. That is absolutely natural. And all the laws, doctrines, concepts and strategies of the Russian Federation apply to all of its territory.”

“the United States, and the European Union, and NATO cannot claim to have a neutral status, they cannot assert that they are not participating in the conflict. Moreover, one of those conventions I believe the Ground Rule Convention prohibits directly the establishing of recruitment points on the territory of neutral states. And you all know how the Ukrainian embassy and the consulate generals in Europe and in other countries, openly on their websites, publishing invitations to join in the holy war against Russia.” Lavrov said.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia has expressed great confidence in the General Assembly, and he has strongly defended the purpose of his country in the operations it is conducting in Ukraine, which has been widely felt in the world in terms of economy and security.

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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.