Araweelo News Network
Johannesburg South Africa, (ANN)- The Creative Society Project interviews First Somaliland Creative AK AHMED.
Today on “Live Conversation Africa” we are happy to welcome AK Ahmed, writer and Humanitarian from Somaliland based in Johannesburg South Africa, who will discuss how innovative creativity, connection and change are possible in our lifetime.
What inspires Ahmed every day? How does Ahmed envision the Creative Society?
Over the past thirteen years, AK Ahmed has been a professional writer based in Johannesburg South Africa. His heritage is from Somaliland but considers himself a Pan-African and a citizen of the collective creative community.
As a humanitarian, AK is an advocate for gender equality and was recognised as a Global Goodwill Ambassador in 2018 for his charitable work.
Ahmed will tell us how his principles line up with The Creative Society as he is very confident that we can collectively make actionable change for justice and equality. He uses his words as his way to pave a better future.
We will test the rule of 6 Handshakes to see if we can connect with the person our guest would like to meet. Please share this video with the hashtags #allatraunites #creativesociety #africa
If you would like to be a guest speaker on our next show, please send us an email with your request to New project of the ALLATRA International Public Movement: “Creative Society is a Happy Society”
Here is the 25 minutes Live Broadcast/Interview.
Source: ALLATRA TV Africa